Marco Zito

An object is only as good as the thought behind it.

Marco Zito, associate professor of Industrial Product Design, at the IUAV University of Venice. Architect, graduated with Vittorio Gregotti, he deals with the project at different scales.

The “first steps” in industrial design begin in Murano, in the world of blown glass with the Salviati furnace.

The design research moves in the possibility of addressing different themes, technologies and types of products, from the Olivetti experience to the design of the interface, to consultancy and long-term collaborations with international companies.

From 2004 to 2007, in the lighting sector, he was a Research / Development and communication consultant for Viabizzuno. His projects have received numerous international awards and recognitions. Multiple selections within the ADI Index.

Venice, home of his studio, is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for projects, be it a small glass vase or large-scale architecture.

His awards:

  • Design Index ADI 2004, selection for “Steelon”, produced by Viabizzuno
  • Published in Tom Dixon’s Design Yearbook 2004
  • Award at the “Batimat 2005” design trophy for innovation, Paris, for the “lettere” lighting system project, produced by Viabizzuno
  • Design Index ADI 2007, selection for the “lettere” lighting system project, produced by Viabizzuno
  • ADI 2011, selection for “Tua”, produced by Foscarini
  • ADI 2013, selection for “Sat”, produced by Plust
  • ADI 2016, selection for “Scandola”, produced by De Castelli
  • “New Italian Design” exhibition in the permanent design collection of the Milan Triennale
  • Winner of the “Matitalia” competition, pencil celebrating the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, “L’Unita” project, produced by Fila

Collaborations with Foscarini, Agape, Salviati, Olivetti, Falmec, Lavazza, Plust, Coin, OVS Group, Electrolux, Casamania, Danieli Group, Fila, Viabizzuno, Bosa, Saba. Masiero, Bross, Bonaldo, Lym and Moroso.

Published in Abitare, Domus, Casabella, Intramuros, Wallpaper, Interni, Ottagono, Diid, The Plan, Monocle and Dezeen.

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